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Labus, Krzysztof, Institute for Applied Geology, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 2, PL-44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Labus, Krzysztof Mariusz, Institute for Applied Geology, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 2, PL-44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Labus, Małgorzata, Institute of Applied Geology, Silesian Technical University, Akademicka 2, PL-44-100 Gliwice
Labus, Małgorzata, nstitute of Applied Geology, Silesian Technical University, Akademicka 2, PL-44-100 Gliwice, Poland
Lagunavičienė, Lina, Institute of Geology and Geography, Nature Research Centre
Lahaye, Yann, Geological Survey of Finland
Lai, Zhongping, State Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Sciences, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000
Lakova, Iskra, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Geological Institute, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl.24, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
Lamsters, Kristaps, University of Latvia
Langier Kuźniarowa, Anna
Langier-Kuźniarowa, Anna
Laskova, Lidja, Jevlampijus Laskovas, Institute of Geology, T. Sevcenkos 13, LT-2600 Vilnius
Laskovas, Jevlampijus, Institute of Geology, T. Sevcenkos 13, LT-2600 Vilnius
Laskowicz, Izabela, Polish Geological Institute–National Research Institute, Carpathian Branch, 1 Skrzatów Str., 31-560 Cracow
Laskowska-Wysoczańska, Wanda, Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Twarda 51/55, PL-00-818 Warszawa
Laskowski, Krzysztof, Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. Zwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089 Warszawa, Poland
Laskowski, Krzysztof
Laskowski, Michał, xxx
Laszko, Donata, xxx
Laurinc, Dušan, State Geological Institute of Dionýz Štúr, Bratislava
Lavrushin, Vasily
Le Khanh, Phon
Le Ribault, Loic
Leach, David L., United States Geological Survey Denver, Colorado
Lebanidze, Zurab, Department of Geology, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, University str. 9; Tbilisi

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