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Author Guidelines

Geological Quarterly publishes (in English) new scientific contributions as well as reviews and methodological papers in the field of regional geology and related sciences. Discussions and comments related to the articles published in the journal are welcome. They should be concise (up to 3000 words) and limited strictly to the subject of the original paper. The editors will send a copy of the discussion to the author of the original paper to allow the preparation of a reply. Geological Quarterly also publishes book reviews not exceeding 1500 words.

Geological Quarterly uses a web-based submission and review system accessible on Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting and then fulfil the 5-step process. Submission should contain one file in Word, which includes: text of the manuscript, figures and tables.


Front page (for the outline of the front page see any paper in recent issue of Geological Quarterly) containing Title (up to 15 words), Authors' names, Abstract (up to 200 words, should briefly summarize the most important results reported in the paper), Authors' affiliations, and Key words (4–6 words). Conclusions should be of broad regional and international importance. The heading hierarchy, including at most three levels should be clearly indicated. Figure captions should be included at the end of the text document. The authors are requested to propose four possible reviewers for the manuscript (from various countries).


The maximum publication size of illustrations is 175 x 210 mm. Explanations of graphic elements (map patterns, symbols, etc.) should be included on figures, if possible. Where appropriate, all figures (maps, etc.) must have a scale bar. It is possible to publish colour illustrations as well as scanned photographs of good quality. All illustrations should bear figure number.


Appendices are recommended for long tables and listings. In the case of submitting excessive tabulated data it is possible to publish it in online version in pdf format.


References should include only cited published work (unpublished reports other than Ph.D. theses will be accepted only in exceptional cases; abstracts can be cited only if published in journals, conference volumes, or available on-line; abstracts published in abstracts volumes but not available on-line are not allowed) according to the journal’s requirements. Examples:

Aleksenko, I.I., 1974. Classification of exogenic sulfur deposits (in Russian). Geologiya i Geokhimiya Goryuchikh Iskopayemykh, (41): 83-92

Allen, P.A., Allen, J.R., 1990. Basin analysis. Principles and applications. Blackwell Scientific Publications. Oxford.

Caron, M., 1985. Cretaceous planktic foraminifera. In: Plankton Stratigraphy (eds. H.M. Bolli, J.B. Saunders and K. Perch-Nielsen): 17–86.CambridgeUniversity Press,Cambridge.

Kaminski, M.A., Boersma, A., Tyszka, J., Holbourn, A.E.L., 1995. Response of deep-water agglutinated foraminifera to dysoxic conditions in the California borderland basins. Grzybowski Foundation Special Publication, 3: 131–140.

Kasprzyk, A., 1995. Correlation of sulphate deposits of the Carpathian Foredeep at the boundary of Poland and Ukraine. Geological Quarterly, 39 (1): 95–108.

Kubica, B., 1992. Lithofacial development of the Badenian chemical sediments in the northern part of the Carpathian Foredeep (in Polish with English summary). Prace Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 133: 1–64.

Rup, M., 1988. Remarks on the development of the PZ2 cycle at the NW-margin of the Holy Cross Mountains (in Polish). Przegląd Geologiczny, 36: 238-240.

In the case of any doubts as to the formal editorial requirements, authors are asked to check a recent issue of the journal or consult the editors. Manuscripts submitted to the editors and fulfilling the above editorial requirements will be accepted for publication after a thorough peer-review procedure.

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