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Oszczypko-Clowes, Marta, Jagiellonian University
OSZCZYPKO-CLOWES, Marta A., Institute of Geological Sciences, Jagiellonian University, Oleandry 2a, 30-063Kraków
Otava, Jiří, Czech Geological Survey, Leitnerova 22, 658 69 Brno
Otava, Jiří, Czech Geological Survey, Leitnerova 22, 658 68 Brno,
Ottner, Franz, Institute for Applied Geology, Peter Jordan Strasse 70, A-1190 Wien, Austria
Otto, Jürgen, Mineralogisches Institut der Universität, Freiburg
Owczarek, Piotr, University of Wroclaw, Institute of Geography and Regional Development, pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław, Poland
Owczinnikow, L. N.
Ozonkowa, Helena


Özsayın, Erman, Hacettepe University


Pachucki, Czesław
Pachytel, Radomir, Polish Geological Institute-National Research Institute
Pachytel, Radomir
Pachytel, Radomir Władysław, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute
Pacyna, Grzegorz, Department of Taxonomy, Phytogeography and Palaeobotany, Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Gronostajowa 3, 30-387 Kraków, Poland
Pacyna, Grzegorz, Jagiellonian University
Pączek, Urszula, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute
Pacześna, Jolanta, Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa
Paczyński, Bronisław, xxx
Paczyński, Bronisław
Pająk-Komorowska, Agnieszka, Faculty of Geology, University of Warsaw, Al. Zwirki i Wigury 93, PL-02-089 Warszawa, Poland
Pajchlowa, Maria, xxx
Pajchlowa, Maria
Pal, Bernadett, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Konkoly Thege Astronomical Institute, ThE Centre for Excellence
Panasiuk, Marek, xxx

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