Asocjacje geochemiczne pierwiastków grupy żelaza w skałach ultramaficznych i w bazaltach Księżyca


  • Andrzej Jaworski


Przedstawiono wyniki badań statystycznych 9 pierwiastków w skałach księżycowych dostarczonych na Ziemię przez Łunę 16 i 20. Dokonano porównań z analogicznymi rozważaniami poczynionymi dla kilku typów skał ziemskich. Wskazano na podobieństwo w zachowaniu się badanych pierwiastków w materii księżycowej i ziemskiej.GEOCHEMICAL ASSOCIATIONS OF ELEMENTS OF IRON GROUP IN ULTRAMAFIC AND BASALT ROCKS FROM MOONSummaryThe paper' presents the results of studies of geochemical associations of elements of the iron group and Mg, Ba and Sr in ultramafic and basalt rocks sampled on the Moon by Luna 16 and 20 spacecrafts. The results of analogical statistic studies of various rock samples brought by Apollo spacecrafts (A. Jaworski, 1976) were taken into account. In these rocks were found similar associations of iron group elements characterized by simple relations of linear correlation at varying confidence levels. The strongest correlations between Fe and Mg, Cr, V, and Mn were found in ultramafic rocks from Moon. The associations traced in basalts are less probable. No simple correlations Fe-Mg, Fe-Cr and V-Cr were found in these rocks. The correlations traced between these elements and the types of distribution of the studied metals are similar to those found on the Earth.The results of these studies represent a geochemical evidence supporting the hypothesis of uniformity of the matter in the Universe or in our Galaxy only, and not in contradiction with Earth origin of the Moon.



