Wpływ zbiornika we Włocławku na wody gruntowe obszarów przyległych (lewy brzeg Wisły)


  • Marian Perek


Na podstawie analizy rocznych oraz wieloletnich stanów maksymalnych i minimalnych wód gruntowych z okresów przed spiętrzeniem i po spiętrzeniu zbiornika wskazano sposób ilościowej oceny jego wpływu na te wody. Określono zasięg i wysokość wpływu oraz przybliżony czas stabilizacji hydrodynamicznej między zbiornikiem a wodami gruntowymi.THE INFLUENCE OF THE WŁOCŁAWEK RESERVOIR ON GROUNDWATERS IN NEIGHBOURING AREAS (LEFT BANK OF THE VISTULA RIVER)SummaryThe left bank areas neighbouring the reservoir on the Vistula river unstream of Włocławek may be divided into depressional and not depressional in relation to exploitational water level in the reservoir. The author studied the extent of influence of the reservoir on hydrodynamics of the first groundwater table under new conditions of cooperation with the reservoir in the years 1968–1976. The studies covered weekly measurements of groundwater table oscillations from decade preceding water damming in the reservoir and subsequent six years. Observation posts were situated along sections perpendicular to the reservoir. In the analysis and comparisons of maximum and minimum annual groundwater levels and many-years' maximum and minimum levels before and after water damming, the author elaborated a new method of quantitative estimation of reservoir influence on water level, called as "comparative analysis of characteristic levels". This method was used in estimations of the extent of reservoir influence on groundwaters and rise of their table. The extent of influence appeared to be highly variable, ranging from 100 to 2250 m, depending on original hydraulic gradient of groundwater table.Generally, the smaller the original gradient, the greater is the extent of influence of the reservoir on groundwaters, and vice versa. The greatest steady rise of groundwater table, about 2.5 m, was recorded in depressional area in the proximity of frontal dam. A rough estimation of the time of hydrodynamic stabilization between ground waters and reservoir is also given.



