Charakterystyka geologiczno-surowcowa poziomów tarasowych pradoliny Noteci-Warty


  • Zdzisław Śliwończuk


W artykule przedstawiono ocenę możliwości surowcowych, głównie pod kątem surowców okruchowych, obszaru pradoliny Noteci-Warty na podstawie analizy morfologicznej i geologicznej poziomów tarasowych. Wskazano na duże możliwości znalezienia nowych złóż kruszywa w Kotlinie Gorzowskiej i Kotlinie Kostrzyńskiej. Wydzielono 6 perspektywicznych obszarów występowania osadów żwirowo-piaszczystych (o zasobności = 270 mln m3) przewidzianych do rozpoznania złóż w kategorii C2.GEOLOGICAL-RAW-MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF TERRACE LEVELS OF THE NOTEĆ - WARTA ANCIENT VALLEYThe paper presents lithological-raw-material characteristics of terrace levels of the Noteć - Warta ancient valley. This is a summation of methodological geological-prospecting works carried out by the Geological Institute in the years 1961-1963 and 1971-1973. The geological-raw-material map of the Noteć - Warta ancient valley (Fig. 1) shows the main areas of occurrence of natural (gravel-sandy and sandy) aggregates as well as prospective areas. Moreover, there are given review geological-raw-material cross-sections illustrating morphology and geological structure of the ancient valley throughout the area studied (Fig. 2).The environment and conditions of deposition of the aggregates are characterized on the basis of genetic-stratigraphic and lithofacial criteria. The degree of concentration of gravel-sandy deposits is determined and the geological-mining conditions of occurrence of the deposits are analysed and the technological-qualitative estimation of the raw materials is given.The studies made it possible to distinguish 6 new deposits of natural aggregates with total resources of the order of 273 m. m3, as well as to recognize some additional .zones of occurrence of gravel-sandy and sandy raw materials.



