W sprawie lito stratygrafii osadów wendu i kambru w rejonie Łeby


  • Kazimiera Lendzion
  • Ryszard Dadlez
  • Andrzej Witkowski


Przeprowadzono dyskusję z poglądami W. Bednarczyka i M. Turnau-Morawskiej (1975). Stwierdzono rozbieżność między proponowanym przez tych autorów podziałem litostratygraficznym a wymaganiami stawianymi przez "Zasady polskiej klasyfikacji, terminologii i nomenklatury stratygraficznej" (1975). Dotyczy to szczególnie litologicznych kryteriów podziałów, sposobu wykorzystania pomiarów geofizyki otworowej, definicji granic między jednostkami litostratygraficznymi oraz korelacji z podziałem na obszarach sąsiednich.ON THE LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE VENDIAN AND CAMBRIAN IN THE ŁEBA AREA (NORTHERN POLAND)The paper by W. Bednarczyk and M. Turnau-Morawska (1975) on the lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Vendian and Cambrian sequences in the northernmost Poland is discussed. This subdivision does not agree with the principles of the stratigraphic classification, terminology and nomenclature recently accepted by Polish stratigraphers. Boundaries between the lithostratigraphic units ·are not defined in a consistent way and are not sufficiently evidenced by the geophysical .logs, the latter condition being inevitable in the case of bore hole sequences. Fundamental lithological features (claystones and silts tones versus sandstones) are not always considered and the other lithological criteria (e.g. glauconite or the feldspar percentage) are of doubtful value and do not justify the subdivision. Proposed stratotypes are based upon the sequences which are not properly selected. out of 15 borehole drilled in the area. The correlation with the surrounding areas is incomplete and not convincing - neither the earlier Polish works on the topic nor the Scandinavian references are fully taken into consideration.It is concluded that the works on the systematization of the lithostratigraphic schemes, commenced recently in Poland, need· the accurate analysis of data and the through interpretation of them on the broad regional background.



