Fauna plejstoceńskich osadów jeziornych w Polsce


  • Sylwester Skompski


Przedstawiono 4 grupy zwierząt spotykanych w osadach . jeziornych na terenie Polski: ryby, owady, małżoraczki l mięczaki. Dokonano oceny ich przydatności dla stratygrafii osadów czwartorzędowych, dla odtworzenia warunków paleoekologicznych lub paleoklimatycznych.]FAUNA OF PLEISTOCENE LACUSTRINAL DEPOSITS OF POLANDFaunal remains most common in Pleistocene lacustrinal deposits of Poland include fragment of molluscans, insects, ostracodes and fishes.Fishes known from deposits of the Masovian and Eemian Interglacials (9 and 5 species, respectively) and the BrÝrup Interstadial, are usually preserved in the form of isolated skeletal elements such as vertebrae, fish bones and teeth as well as scales. Complete skeletons were found in one locality (Barkowice Mokre; see K. Pawłowska, 1963) only.Insects are known from a few localities (Table 1), the oldest of which are related to the Masovian Interglacial. Among about 30 species identified there is a marked predominance of beetles (Table 2) the wing cases of which are easily preserved.Ostracodes were described from 10 localities of the upper Pleistocene (from the Masovian Interglacial to the top parts of the North-Polish Claciation). Assemblages recorded at three localities (Szeląg, Wieprzyce, Syrniki) are the richest in species. From Syrniki are described 15 ostracod species, from which Cyclocypris huckei is especially numerous.Molluscan Shells are most common faunal remains in the lacustrinal deposits. They were recorded in several hundred localities but only those from a few tens of localities were of a greater importance for the stratigraphy or reconstruction of paleoecological and paleogeographical environment of deposition of the Pleistocene deposits.The oldest localities are related to the Masovian Interglacial (Table 3) and yield species disappearing at the end of that Interglacial (e.g. Paludina diluviana K u n t h and Lithoglyphus pyramidatus M ö l l e n d o r f f). The richest molluscan localities are related to the Eeemian Interglacial. Some of them are rich in species (as e.g. Winiary locality wherefrom 40 species were recorded; see J. Gołąb, J. Urbański, 1938) or individuals (e.g., 2 000 identified shells from the Leśna Niwa; see A. Makowska, 1971).The list of the localities is supplemented with those dated at the Mid-Polish and North-Polish Glaciations and the BrÝrup Interstadial.



