Charakterystyka mineralogiczna iłów nadkładowych złoża siarki w Machowie koło Tarnobrzega


  • Leszek Stoch
  • Krzysztof Bahranowski
  • Zdzisław Gątarz


W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mineralogicznych iłów mioceńskich z nadkładu złoża siarki w Machowie. W wydzielonych sześciu seriach litologicznych stwierdzono jednakowy zespół minerałów ilastych (montmorylonit, chloryt, illit) , i podrzędnie kalcyt. Ponadto określono zmienność składu mineralnego z uziarnieniem i głębokością oraz zmienność uziarnienia iłów z głębokością.MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CLAYS FORMING BLANKET OF SULPHUR DEPOSIT FROM MACROW NEAR TARNOBRZEGMarine Miocene deposits forming blanket of sulphur deposit from Machów may be divided into the following lithological series: 1 - clay-marly (pectin beds), 2 - clay, 3 - clay with iron sulphides, 4 - clay with silts, 5 - silty, 6 - silts and sands series (Fig; 1). The assemblage of clay minerals is uniform in all the series, consisting of montmorillonite, ferruginous chlorite, illite and subordinate amounts of kaolinite. Calcite and dolomite occur in amounts equal about 10 weight per cent. It was found that the ratio of chlorite content to the summative content of chlorite and montmorillonite changes along with depth, reaching maximum in the middle part of the profile and the minimum in the Pecten clays. The ratio of dolomite content to the summative content of dolomite and calcite changes in the similar way (Tab. 3, Fig. 4). Chlorite presumably originated from transformation of terrigenous montmorillonite (montmorillonite from weathering of the Carpathian Flysch) and underwent chloritization in marine sedimentary environment. Dolomitization of calcium carbonate was accompanying these processes. .The increase in contribution of chlorite and dolomite, reflected by the values of the content ratios, may be treated as a measure of concentration of Mg2+ in the Miocene sea.



