Statystyczne zestawianie pomiarów struktur geologicznych - program komputerowy dla wykonania diagramu konturowego


  • Janusz Peroń
  • Wojciech Nemec


W artykule przedstawiono program komputerowy dla wykonania diagramu konturowego pomiarów orientacji linijnych i planarnych struktur geologicznych. Zastosowanie takiego programu uwalnia geologa od żmudnego i długotrwałego nanoszenia punktów na siatkę projekcyjną, eliminując jednocześnie możliwość powstania błędów. Program napisany został języku Fortran IV z przeznaczeniem na maszynę cyfrową Odra 1305.STATISTICAL COMPUTATION OF GEOLOGICAL ORIENTATION DATA - A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR DENSITY DIAGRAMA computer program for preparing density distribution diagrams has been designed. It can process a large number of data representing, by azimuth and dip angles, the orientation of lines or planes in space. The program (Tab. 1 and 2) is based on Flinn's method (Figs. 1 and 2); it prints out a circle-like array of density values equivalent to a percent analysis of points on a Schimidt equal-area net.The data may be represented in degrees or hails; the rotation of data points, due to plunge angle of a bed, is also included as a procedure possible to be used (Tab. 1). The diagram is printed out on a line-printer, and it can be assembled and contoured, if necessary, in a few minutes.The result is a precise contour diagram such as those conventionally prepared for analyzing orientation data (Figs. 3 and 4). The program is written in FORTBAN IV language to run on an ODRA 1305 computer but can be easily adapted for use with other computers. Data processing by computer is a great time saver, and by relieving much of the tedium associated with the preparation of density diagrams it tends to eliminate the factor of human error in dealing with very large amounts of data. The availability of a computer ,program to aid in processing orientation data may well encourage more frequent use of density contour diagrams in the analysis of sedimentologic, petrologic, and structural geological problems.



