Mapa hydrochemiczna Niżu Środkowoeuropejskiego na obszarze NRD i Polski


  • Cyryl Kolago
  • Leszek Bojarski


Mapa hydrochemiczna Niżu Środkowoeuropejskiego w zasięgu basenu cechsztyńskiego w Polsce i NRD w skali 1:1 000 000 okazała się drukiem w NRD, jako wynik współpracy instytutów geologicznych obydwóch krajów (autorzy: C. Kolago, L. Bojarski, H. J. Voigt, J. Zieschang). Na dwóch arkuszach zobrazowano zmienność przestrzenną warunków hydrochemicznych na tle wydzielonych czterech kompleksów (stref) stratygraficznych oraz głębokości mineralizacji wód 1 g/l i 35 g/l.A HYDROGEOLOGICAL MAP OF THE MID-EUROPEAN LOWLANDS OF POLAND AND GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICA hydrochemical Map of the part of the Mid-European Lowlands located within the boundaries of the Zechstein basin on the areas of Poland and the German Democratic Republic, published in ·1977, was prepared by C. Kolago, L. Bojarski, H. J. Voigt and J. Zieschang on the basis of a cooperation between the Geological Institute in Warsaw and the Zentrales Geologisches Institut in Berlin. The map prepared in the scale 1:1 000 000 consists of two sheets, a key and a brief commentary. The international character of the map made it necessary to take some common organizational steps and make methodological agreements. Four hydro chemical complexes: two for the Cenozoic and Mesozoic and two for the Paleozoic are differentiated in the vertical profile. There is also shown the depth of occurrence of waters with mineralization 1 g/l and 35 g/l. The types of mineral waters are defined by total concentration and some selected hydro chemical indices. The map is easily readable thanks to the introduction of a special mode of graphic presentation of its content. The cartographic hydrochemical synthesis illustrates the whole of the vast mineral water reservoir - from its margins characterized by the action of freshening processes to the center with weak circulation of saturated and still poorly known solutions.



