Stosunek granitoidów jawornickich do deformacji metamorfiku lądecko-śnieżnickiego


  • Stefan Cwojdziński


Zanalizowano stosunek przestrzenny granitoidów jawornickich do poszczególnych generacji mezostruktur ich osłony metamorficznej. Wyniki przeprowadzonych obserwacji sugerują możliwość przesunięcia głównego fałdowania w metamorfiku lądecko-śnieżnickim do karbonu.THE RELATION OF JAWORNIK GRANITOIDS TO DEFORMATIONS OF LĄDEK-ŚNIEŻNIK METAMORPHIC AREAThe studies carried out by the present author in the areas of Orłowiec and Jawornik, eastern Sudety Mts, have shown that veins of Jawornik granitoids are concordant with the direction of metamorphic foliation S2, that is younger that the deformation stage F1 marked in the rocks of the Lądek-Śnieżnik metamorphic by relic intrafoliational mesofolds. Granitoid venis are folded concordantly with schist-gneiss complex of their metamorphic cover according to similar, isoclinals mesofolds F2 with vertical axial surfaces and open, asymmetric folds F3 of the concentric type.Two stages of formation of granitoids are distinguished: first, directly preceding deformation F2, and second, syngenetic with deformation F3. Younger, overprinted deformations are represented by folds of the kink band type and often conjugate. These deformations, denoted as F4 and F5 by the present author, are younger than the granitoids despite of the fact that they are also related to the Hercynian tectogenesis. If the Jawornik granitoids represent Hercynian igneous metamorphic cycle, as it is indicated by the results of radiometric datings, it appears necessary to assume that the main folding of the Lądek - Śnieżnik metamorphic took place earlier than it was hitherto assumed, i.e. in the Carboniferous.



