Kras a geneza złóż siarki w Polsce


  • Tadeusz Osmólski


Dyskutując z zarzutami M. Niecia, dotyczącymi wieku krasu gipsów, pochodzenia wapieni w złożach siarki, morfologii stropu złóż siarki, genezy wapieni płonnych itp., autor podważa ich słuszność. Na potwierdzenie swojego stanowiska przedstawia dodatkowe dane o budowie geologicznej ,północnej strefy brzeżnej zapadliska przedkarpackiego oraz pewne szczegóły budowy geologicznej obszarów siarkonośnych.KARST AND GENESIS OF POLISH SULPHUR DEPOSITS (A REPLY)In reply to M. Nieć, the author present some new data supporting his point of view. They include the data on geological structure of northern marginal zone of the Carpathian Foredeep, some details about the geological structure of sulphur-bearing areas and !implications of the theories concerning the genesis of limestones enveloping the sulphur deposit and the formation of stalactites.The use of new photogrammetric methods in reconstructions of the geological structure of the sulphur deposit has provided additional evidence of its block structure and revealed a dense network of fractures. Neotectonic processes leading to vertical translocations of the blocks are responsible for changes in water level, and migration of water into and out of the deposit. The migration of water may lead to the removal of sulphur from some parts of the deposit or inflow of waters bringing oxigen necessary for H2S oxidation.According to the author same problems such as the existence and the age of karst of the Badenian gypsum from the marginal zone of the Carpathian Foredeep cannot be unequivocally solved through studies of sulphur deposits only; the more so that the methods of sedimentological studies hitherto used to deposits covered by sedimentary blankets - such as mapping by boreholes and attempts to correlate sedimentary events with the use of core material - are rather imprecise and arbitrary. It appears that the genesis of sulphur deposits may be explained only through a detailed reconstruction of the geological structure of the whole area of occurrence of these deposits and through supplementary observations systematically made on deposits exposed by mining works.Complex geochemical processes operating in the deposits may be explained through the studies of stable isotopes of sulphur, carbon, and o:ldgen which are carried out at present by the author



