Kras a geneza złóż siarki w Polsce


  • Marek Nieć


W artykule przedstawiono dowody , przemawiające za silnym skrasowieniem już sformowanych wapieni siarkonośnych. Nie można było natomiast przedstawić bezspornych dowodów, że przeobrażaniu w wapienie siarkonośne podlegały skrasowiałe :gipsy (T. Osmólski, 1978).KARST AND GENESIS OF POLISH SULPHUR DEPOSITS (DISCUSSION)The point of view of T. Osmólski (1976) that sulphur-bearing limestones originated by alteration of karstified gypsum is questioned. The paper presents the following data evidencing heavy karstification of sulphur-bearing limestones: 1 - diversified morphology of top surface of sulphur-bearing limestones which displays: typical karst forms; 2 - truncation of sulphur concentrations at the contact surface of sulphur-hearing limestones and overlaying clays; 3 - occurrence of irregular fragments of sulphur-bearing limestones in days directly above the top surface of the deposit and especially in places where this surface is depressed; 4 - the presence of irregular intercalations and nests of marly clays often yielding smoothened fragments of sulphur-bearing limestones in the limestones; 5 - contact surfaces of these clays and surrounding limestones steeply inclined (50-70°) and uneven; 6 - increased concentration of the clay intercalations in some zones with orientation close to that of fractures; 7 - occurrence of barren, cavernous limestones deprived of sulphur at the top and base of the deposit; 8 - the presence of large caverns sometimes fringed with stalactites and the presence of stalactites at relatively large depths in the sulphur-bearing limestones which evidences a possibility of relatively early alteration of gypsum into sulphur-bearing limestones, even before deposition of Krakowiec clays, when deposit overburden was formed by only Pecten beds which are thin or even completely eroded in some places.



