Regionalizacja ogólna wód podziemnych Polski


  • Bronisław Paczyński


W oparciu o kryterium geostrukturalne wydzielono na obszarze Polski 5 regionów depresyjnych (baseny) oraz 6 zróżnicowanych genetycznie jednostek elewacyjnych (cokoły) w trzech prowincjach hydrogeologicznych. Przegląd regionalny ujmuje utwory wodonośne i rozdzielające według pięter, zespołów, poziomów i warstw.GENERAL REGIONALIZATION OF POLISH GROUNDWATERSA regional subdivision of underground hydrosphere of Poland, proposed in this paper, is based on geostructural criteria. This direction of systematization seems appropriate from the point of view of requirements of the basic (general) regionalization.Besides the concept of artesian basins, widely accepted in the literature, there is used here a new concept of hydpogeological sockles. It is proposed for sets of aquifers from elevational structures. The following units are distinguished in this .group of hydrogeological structures (fig. 1):- Fold-nappe, with predominance of local and poor aquifer sets and a possibility of occurrence of platform water-bearing stage in the basement (the area of the Carpathians).- Fold-block, comprising folded and en bloc uplifted massifs connected with platform basement and generally with limited resources (e. g., Paleozoic sockle of the Świętokrzyskie Mts, Sudety Mts).- Blook (maslrif), closely conected with elevaltions of platform basement, with small water resources in rocks of the sockle and richer aquifer sets in thin sedimentary cover (e.g., Łuków - Lublin area, Mazury - Suwałki elevation).In horizontal subdivision there were accepted three groups of units (fig. 2):1. Provinces - areas related to main geological structures such as the East European Platform, Middle-European Platform and Alpine region.2. Regions - artesian basins (peribaltic, Podlasie, Lublin - Volhynian and German - Polish basins) and hydrogeological sockles (pomeranian, Mazury - Byelorussian, Łuków, Świętokrzyski-Małopolski, Sudetic and Carpathian sockles).3. Subregions in large basins as e.g. in the German - Polish basin, distinguished according to hydrodynamic and hydrochemical zones, and in smaller regions according to the extent of superimposed hydogeological structures extending outside of the boundaries of regions as e.g. in the case of the subregion of Carpathfan Foredeep.The boundaries of units and especially second-order units were established taking into account elements of hydrogeological vertical stratification (fig. 3). A scheme adopted includes: stage, set (complex), horizon and layer. This subdivision is universal for water-bearing deposits as well as deposits without or with very :small amounts of water which are termed as separating deposits.



