Zastosowanie średnich odległości taksonomicznych (ATD) do interpretacji -- wyników analiz minerałów ciężkich w utworach czwartorzędowych


  • Jerzy Adam Czerwonka


Autor proponuje zastosowanie odległości taksonomicznych, będących fragmentem teorii klasyfikacji,  do porównywania ze sobą wyników analiz minerałów ciężkich. Dochodzi przy tym do wniosku, iż metoda ta pozwala na genetyczne i stratygraficzne rozpatrywanie różnic i podobieństw zespołów mineralnych, co ma duże znaczenie w badaniach osadów czwartorzędowych pozbawionych materiału biostratygraficznego.THE USE OF AVERAGE TAXONOMIC DISTANCES (ATD) IN INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS OF ANALYSESOF BM VY MINERALS FROM" QUATERNARY DEPOSITSThe paper deals with some problems connected with interpretation of results of analysis of heavy minerals which is one ,of the identifications most commonly made in Quaternary studies. It is proposed to use a fragment of the theory of classification known as taxonomy for thesepurpose6. Taxonomy is based on establishing similarities between particular elements of assemblage of features including their measure. Average Taxonomy Distance (ATD) is the measure of similarity. The paper begins with presentation of general theoretical premises of this method and subsequently the mode of calculations and graphic presentation of results in the form of dendrite and dendrogram are discussed. Identifications of heavy minerals of the 0.25-1.0 mm fraction from the borehole Sarni Las are given as an example of the taxonomical analysis. The borehole Sarni Las, situated in western part of the Polish Lowlands, penetrated deposits the Baltic and Middle Polish Glaciations separated by those of the Eemian Interglacial. The taxonomical analysis fully confirmed the lithostratigraphic subdivision based on other criteria. Moreover heavy mineral assemblage was found· to be genetically differentiated. The minerals form three separate supergroups comprising fluvioglacial, fluvial and till deposits. The relationships between particular assemblages in different types of deposits were also established. The final part of the paper deals with interpretation of variability in content of most common minerals using correlation coefficient r.



