Problematyka oceny i użytkowania . wód podziemnych w bilansie wodno-gospodarczym


  • Jan Mitręga
  • Bronisław Paczyński


Gwałtowny wzrost potrzeb wodnych, przy postępującej degradacji jakości wód powierzchniowych, sprawia, że zasoby dyspozycyjne kraju mogą okazać się niewystarczające już w ciągu najbliższych 10-15 lat. W tej sytuacji niezbędna staje się zasadnicza poprawa stanu czystości wód oraz sterowane, kompleksowe zagospodarowanie potencjału wodnego. W programie intensyfikacji sterowanego kształtowania zasobów wodnych szczególnej uwagi wymagają wody podziemne, z maksymalnym wykorzystaniem ich zdolności retencyjnych.SOME PROBLEMS OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES EVALUATION AND THEIR USE UPON ECONOMY-WATER BALANCE BUDGETSteady and substantial growth of water needs, accompanied by progressing degradation of surface water quality, brings up that nowadays water availability may turn out in sufficient in 10-15 years. Surface reservoirs development regarding to the total runoff is unable to meet water requirements and should be provided with resources from the underground. Some additional safe yield of groundwater, estimated for over 6 km2/a, may be produced by deriving a small part of the evaporation losses. This will involve the water availability to be closer to the average annual total runoff in coordinated operation of surface water according to the State's water program. Groundwater resources, under these conditions, may match prognostic ground water resources (evaluated at 80% level of average annual groundwater runoff).Taking into account water resources planning and management it is important and crucial to work up actual water balance for Poland that will provide basis for economy-water balance budget. The latest is arbitrary in character for increasing water demands accompanied by changes of environment results on the balance sheet exactly to given assumptions. It should also be noted that water availability is not only the function of environmental impacts and degree of data reliability but ail; first of general water resources management. This proves sound for the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources, which elements should be treated flexibly with consideration of their substituting.Runoff storage in surface reservoirs should be augmented in southern Poland where main sources of supply are connected with surface water.



