Cel i zadania kartografii surowców mineralnych


  • Stefan Kozłowski


Przedstawiono aktualne zagadnienia kartografii surowców mineralnych. Bliżej omówiono zakres i formę szczegółowych i przeglądowych map surowców mineralnych obecnie realizowanych w skalach 1: 50 000 i 1: 200 000. Przedstawiono potrzebę podjęcia prac nad mapami potencjalnych zasobów przyrody, jako podstawę dla dalszego rozwoju gospodarki kraju.AIMS AND TASKS OF MINERAL RAW MATERIAL MAPPINGThe present state of mineral raw material mapping in Poland is discussed and the principles of construction of mineral raw material maps are given. The maps are made as especially designed lithological-raw material maps and not the maps with geological background which used to be the current practice. On the basis of the new principles, the instruction for elaboration and publishing a new version of the detailed geological map of Poland in the scale 1: 50 000 has been issued in 1977. The detailed map of mineral raw materials in the scale 1 : 50 000 or 1: 100 000 is an appendix to the former map.There are also given premises of construction of review map of mineral raw materials in the scale 1: 200 000. This map will serve as the basis for presentation of the occurrence of prognostic reserves (polish categories D1 and D2) of raw material. Two versions of this map are planned: A and B, for shallow-seated (at depths smaller than 100 m) and deep-seated raw material deposits, respectively. The preparation of these maps should markedly contribute to selection of trends in further prospecting, rational use of deposits and their protection.Besides raw ,material maps in sheets, the Geological Institute is also publishing raw material atlases. A synthetic mineralogical atlas in the scale 1: 2 000 000 has been published in 1970. At present, atlases concerning a single type of raw material or raw material deposits in a given region are in preparation.Regional monographs of raw material deposits are also being published. Up to the present, five monographs of that type, covering a third of the country, have appeared.The works aimed at preparation of map of the potential of the natural environment are carried out in the Geological Institute. Such map is designed as the basis for regional planning of land use in the country.



