Leon Syroczyński i początki kartografii surowców mineralnych w Polsce


  • Stanisław Czarniecki


W r. 1979 przypada 100-letnia rocznica od momentu opublikowania pierwszej nowoczesnej legendy do mapy surowców mineralnych. Autorem był Leon Syroczyński (1844-1928) wielce zasłużony geolog i górnik działający we wschodniej Galicji oraz gorący patriota rodzinnego kraju.LEON SYROCZYŃSKI AND THE BEGINNINGS OF MINERAL RAW MATERIAL MAPPING IN POLANDThe year 1979 marks the hundredth anniversary of the publication of the mapping principles to the first Polish map of mineral raw materials. The principles have been published by Loon Syroczyński. (1844-1925), geologist and devoted patriot.In his work, Leon Syroczyński paid much attention to the problems of raw materials docuIInenta1Jion and mapping. He stressed the need for a geological-mining and a mining-industrial map of the country. He worked out an original method of presentation of a large body of raw material data in the form of a map and partly dissiminated his ideas by publishing a raw material map concerning oil and earth wax occurrences in 1884. Leon Syroczyński was fully aware of the importance of raw material problems in the general development of the country. He worked as a mining engineer for several years in a Country Department in Lvov and subsequently as a professor at the Polytechnical School in that town.His works were carried out in accordance with J. Kromer's ideas of 1787, concerning organization of geological-prospecting, mapping, and mining works. It should be stated that the importance of the problems of raw material basis were understood and correctly evaluated relatively early in Poland. In later periods the conditions were not always favourable for the utilization of these ideas. The question of raw materials should still be considered within a wide :perspective, similarly as Leon Syroczyński did it.



