Fitostratygrafia utworów karbonu w północno-wschodniej części Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


  • Teresa Migier


Analiza flory karbońskiej z 15 otworów wiertniczych LZW - rejon Radzynia i Parczewa - dała możność scharakteryzowania profilu karbonu pod względem florystycznym oraz pozwoliła na ustalenie wieku osadów. Znalezione zespoły gatunków flory wskazują na wizen górny, namur A, namur B-C oraz westfal A i B. Przeprowadzono również korelację fitostratygraficzną w stosunku do wydzielonych ogniw litostratygraficznych.PHYTOSTRATIGRAPHY OF THE CARBONIFEROUS OF NORTH-EASTERN PART OF THE LUBLIN COAL BASINThe paper :presents analysis and characteristics of Carboniferous flora from 15 boreholes made in the region of Radzyń and Parczew, north-eastern part of the Lublin Coal Basin (Fig. 1). On the basis of the recorded floral assemblages, the strata were divided into the Upper Visean, Namurian A, Namurian B-C, and Westphalian A and B.The Upper Visean and Namurian floral assemblage comprises 12 species highly typical of these stages. The Namurian B is very poor in plant remains. The Namurian C is evidenced by still innumerous species of the younger floral assemblage. The Westphalian A has very good floristic record, especially in the case of fernleaf plants (Pteridophylla), listed in the Polish text. Floristic record of the Westphalian B is also very good. Plants of the Neuropteris group predominate among specifically differentiated fern-leaf plants, and Lycopsida, Sphenopsida and cordaites are also common here.The results obtained were used to correlate the phytostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic subdivisons (Fig. 2). It appears that the Komarów Beds and the basal part of the Bug Beds correspond to the Namurian A, the Bug Beds (except for their basal part) and lower part of the Kumów Beds - to the Namuriian B-C, upper part of the Kumów Beds and lower part of the Lublin Beds – to the Westphalian A, and the remaining part of the Lublin Beds - to the Westphalian B.



