U twory triasowe w południowo-wschodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Katarzyna Pawłowska


W latach 1955 - 1972 przy okazji prac geologiczno-poszukiwawczych złóż siarki skartowano pod miocenem zasięg występowania triasu na obszarze pomiędzy Chmielnikiem i Połańcem. Jest tu reprezentowany prawie pełny profil triasu, aczkolwiek utwory te są tektonicznie zaburzone i silnie zerodowane. W artykule omówiono stratygrafię i tektonikę tych utworów, dotąd słabo na tym obszarze rozpoznanych z powodu grubej pokrywy utworów mioceńskich.TRIASSIC ROCKS OF SOUTH-EASTERN GÓRY ŚWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTSThe paper deals with Triassic rocks occurring in the area between Chmielnik and Połaniec. Miocene subsurface of Triassic rocks (Fig. 1) was mapped here with the reference to drillings aimed at prospecting and exploration of native sulphur deposits. Triassic rocks occurring directly beneath the Miocene infill a tectonic trough delineated by Precambrian-Paleozoic rock massifs on the north and south (Fig. 2). Submeridional dislocations cut the latter into separate blocks and are responsible for regional viariability in the extent of the Triassic and its individual links (Fig. 2).The Triassic sections are almost complete in the Chmielnik - Połaniec trough. The rocks, especially those of the Muschelkalk, Lower and mainly Upper Keuper, were weakly folded and subjected to intense subsequent erosion in result of Eocimmerian movements. Upper Rhaetian rocks, eroded and destructed in result of Cimmerian orogeny, directly overlay various older Triassic rocks In the west and presumably the Paleozoic in the·east (Fig. 2). The data available, although fragmentary, indicate that the Muschelkalk, Keuper and even Rhaetian display classic development in this area and are correlable with even fairly distant sections. Some more complete borehole sections of these rocks (Figs 3 - 6) may be used as reference sections in further reconstructions of geological structure of this area and in establishing lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Triassic and its members, especially still insufficiently known Bundsandstein, Keuper and Rhaetian.



