Problem równoważnych modeli w geologicznej interpretacji danych grawimetrycznych


  • Aleksander Kozera


THE PROBLEMS OF EQUIVALENT MODELS IN GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF GRAVIMETRIC DATASummaryThe lack of univocal solution of the inverse gravity problem is the main obstacle to wider use of the gravimetric method in studying geological structure and in prospecting. In the paper, values of differences of anomalies dg for several pairs of equivalent models are estimated with the use of a new method. Non-linear programming was used in order to estimate the differences for a more general case, that is for the case of inhomogeneous distribution of masses.The data obtained markedly contributed to the problem of equivalent models and they made it possible to elaborate a new method of interpretation. Moreover, it was found that a definite space Qh corresponds to a given depth h and that a geological object of any shape, situated within the space, is practically reflected by the image of anomaly Dg either as a material line (in the case of a two-dimensional object) or a material point (in the case of a three-dimensional object).



