Przejawy mineralizacji w karbonie dolnym i permie na przykładzie profilu Studzianna


  • Henryk Jurkiewicz
  • Ludwik Lenartowicz


SYMPTOMS OF MINERALIZATION IN LOWER CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN ROCKS EXEMPLIFIED BY COLUMNAR SECTION AT STUDZIANNASummaryIn this article the authors deal with the lithology, stratigraphy and mineralization of Lower Carboniferous and Permian deposits occurring at a depth of 4060.7 to3 142.0 min borehole Studzianna IG-2.Mineralization of Lower Carboniferous rocks is of impregnation-vein, character.The main concentrations consist of crystalline haematite and pyrite (PI. II, Figs. 10, 12). Three generations of calcite veins have been distinguished here (PI. II, Fig. 11). The oldest generation is represented by veins of dark-red calcite with abundant specularite, less commonly with chalcopyrite which bears bornite coating.The second generation, younger than the previously described one, consists of milk-white calcite, which contains quartz, barite, and – less frequently – specularite.The third generation of milk-white cakite, with fine impregnations of specularite, is intersected by veins of the two previously described generations. The mineralization of the Rotliegendes is of a similar character.Two kinds of mineralization occur in Zechstein deposits: dispersed sulphide mineralization, connected with the sedimentation environment, and epigenetic mineralization, connected with planes of fractures. Syngenetic mineralization is represented by iron sulphides and zinc sulphides, less commonly by lead sulphides.Epigenetic mineralization consists of thin sphalerite veinlets or splhalerite-pyrite-galena veinlets with bornite coating, embedded in crystalline milk-white calcite. This type of mineralization is mainly conneded with the horizon of copper-bearing shales and the bottom part of basal limestone. The upper Zechstein members, overlying theWerracyclothem, have not been analyzed since that part of the borehole was not cored.An analysis of the deposit concerned shows that mineralization in the clastic rocks of the Lower Carboniferous and the Rotliegendes is similar, to polymetallic mineralization of the Miedzianka type (Z. Rubinowlski, 1971). On the other hand, the sulphides which occur in Zechstein rocks are typical of Zechstein deposits on the western and northern margins of the Góry Świętokrzyskie. Dispersed mineralization is of a sedimentary character; vein mineralization shows a distinct relationship with it and is a result of a secretionary displacement of sedimentary sulphides (A. Kostecka, 1966; Z. Rubinowski, 1971).Geochemical analyses show that Bb, Zn, Cu and, partly, Ag too, are characterized by similar vertical distribution, their highest concentrations being connected with the horizon of copper-bearing shales and cyclothem Zl. The average content of the above elements is higher than the average concentrations of these elements in analogical Zechstein horizons in western and northern parts of Poland and in the German Lowland (H. Ważny, 1970; H. Tondorf, 1965), but is similar to concentrations of these elements in the bituminous deposits of the Lower Zechstein from the vicinity of Gałęzice, Kajetanów, and Tumlin (Z. Rubinowski, 1971). 



