O występowaniu niestałych przerostów łupków ogniotrwałych w warstwach łaziskich GZW


  • Wiesław Gabzdyl
  • Zdzisław Trela


THE OCCURRENCE OF DISCONTINUOUS INTERCALATIONS OF REFRACTORY SHALES IN THE ŁAZISKA BEDS, IN THEUPPERSILESIANCOALBASINSummaryDiscontinuous intercalations of refractory shales (Fig. 11) were found in seam 209. They resemble – in petrographic structure – a continuous intercalation of the tonstein type which was previously described from the same seam. The original material from which these intercalations have been formed was tuffogenic. It has been transformed now to a varying degree. Tuffogenic elements occur also in the coal beds which separate the intercalations concerned. Thus a tuffogenic, tonstein-coal cylothem occurs in the middle part of seam 209. The formation of crystalline texture or granular texture in the tonsteins described here (Plates I and II) was influenced by the extent of the granulation of the original material and the intensity of humus acids to which it was subjected.



