Badania petrograficzne marmurów złoża Wapniarka i Romanowo Górne w NW części pasma Krowiarek


  • Barbara Witek


PETROGRAPHY OF MARBLE DEPOSITS AT WAPNIARKA AND ROMANOWO GÓRNE IN THE NORTH-WESTERN PART OF THEKROWIARKIRANGE(EASTERN SUDETES)SummaryMarble deposits at Wapniarka and Romanów Górne are situated within the supracrustal Stronie series of the metamorphic Lądefk-Śnieżnik Massif, in the zone of calcite-dolomitic marbles (Fig. 1).The marble deposit at Wapniarika consists of three main lenses and secondary intercalations which are embedded in the schtistone background of the surrounding rocks, in accordance with foliation (Fig. 2). The marbles which form the main lenses are characterized by the chemical properties of dolomites MgO:CaO – 0.45–0.60 (Table IV, Figs. 14, 15). Fine intercalations occurring in the schistose series form coarse-crystalline calcite marbles (MgO:CaO – 0.03–0.10). Changes in the chemical properties of marbles along the strike of beds land the occurrence of the calcite phase – in addition to the dolomitic phase – in the form of parallel intergrowths show that dolomitization was, caused by the metasomatism of nondiagenized lime deposits (PI. III, Figs. 12, 13; PI. VI, Figs. 18, 19).Marble beds of the Romanowo deposit envelop schist series which dip conformably to the north-east at an angle of 50° to 60° (Fig. 4). In transitional zones to micaceous schists these marbles are –characterized by the predominance of the dolomitic phase (MgO:CaO – 0.42–0.50). Coarse-crystalline marbles represent calcite varieties (MgO:CaO below 0.15). Lamination is formed by interbeddings of micaceous minerals and ferruginous layers (PI. I. Figs. 8, 9; Pl. II, Figs. 10, 11). Gradual transitions from one type of marbles to another (differing in chemical properties) and from marbles to lime schists indicate the sedimentary origin of the lime-dolomitic series. Differences in chemical properties are of an original character; they were caused by the dolomitization of lime deposits during the early diagenesis. The processes which took place in the conditions of regional metamorphism consisted in isochemical recrystaillization.



