Drobnopasemkowe węgle włókniste z kopalni Janina (GZW)


  • Wiesław Gabzdyl
  • Anna Wilk


W pokładach węglowych kopalni Janina (GZW) stwierdzono występowanie drobnopasemkowych węgli włóknistych. Przedstawiono charakterystykę tych węgli, opartą o wyniki petrograficznej analizy kombinowanej. Określono warunki tworzenia się drobnopasemkowych węgli włóknistych oraz ich wpływ na własności technologiczne węgla.FINE-BANDED BOARD COALS FROM THE MINE JANINA (UPPER SILESIAN COAL BASIN)Semi bright-board and bright-board coals were differentiated among fine-banded board .coals found in coal seams in the mine Janina.Fine-banded board coals represent an intermediate link between lithotypes defined by the International Committee for Coal Petrology. Microscopic studies showed the following composition of the fine-banded board coals : 46 - 57% of vitrinite, 30 - 47% of inertinite, 6 - 9% of exinite, and 1 - 7% of mineral components. In bright-board coals, the content of inertinite is markedly higher at the expense of vitrinite and exinite. Major microstructural components here include trimacerite, inertinite and vitrinite whereas clarite, vitrinertite and carbominerite are of secondary importance.Fine-banded board coals originated under conditions of strong oscillations of water level in peat bogs, much greater than .those assumed in the case of origin of semi bright coals. The studied coals occur in large quantities in the mine Janina, where they are the major source of inertinite in coal grain classes selected for gasification.



