Minerały uranu w górnokarbońskich utworach rejonu Nowej Rudy


  • Elżbieta Bareja


W wyniku badań mineralogicznych utworów górnokarbońskich (warstwy glinickie i ludwikowickie) rejonu Nowej Rudy stwierdzono następujące minerały uranu: czerń uranową, zippeit i uranopilit.URANIUM MINERALS IN UPPER CARBONIFEROUS ROCKS IN THE NOWA·RUDA REGIONThe paper presents results of mineralogical studies on uranium in Upper Carboniferous rocks (Glinik Beds - Westphalian C-D and Ludwikowice Beds - Stephanian) in the vicinities of Nowa Ruda (Central Sudetic Depression). Uranium mineralization is here related to sandstones and polymictic conglomerates with clay and clay-carbonate cement (Tables I - IV). The major uranium-bearing horizon was found in middle part of the Glinik Beds. and some increase in uranium content – at the base of that unit. In the case of Stephanian rocks. points with uranium mineralization were found in various parts of the Ludwikowice Beds sequence: in basal conglomerate horizon .and platy sandstones. Uranium minerals mainly occur in cement of sandstones and conglomerates (Tables I - II). They were mainly identified as uranium blende (Tables II - Ill) and minerals of the sulfate group - zippeite and uranopilite (Table·1). Mineralized uranium-bearing horizons display mineral para genesis typical of Upper Carboniferous rocks of the Central Sudetic Depression: uranium blende. pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite and galena.



