Możliwości wykorzystania wód mineralnych w Zielonogórskiem


  • Zenobiusz Płochniewski
  • Jadwiga Stachowiak


PROSPECTS OF UTILIZING MINERAL WATER IN THE REGION OF ZIELONA GÓRASummaryThe region of Zielona Góra represents an important item in the planning of the development of health resorts inPoland. So far mineral waters have not been utilized here. At present, plans are made for the future development of three health resorts, construction of a number of bottling plants for the distribution of mineral water, and the building of swimming pools filled with mineral water, these to be open to the general public (Fig. 1).The authors discuss the possibility of utilizing mineral waters in the region concerned and emphasize, in particular, those places where health resorts are supposed to be developed in future.The greatest prospects of utilizing mineral waters for balneological purposes are connected first of all with Lower Jurassic deposits (Fig. 2), and to a certain extent also with Lower Cretaceous sediments (Fig. 1). These deposits occur in the northern part of the region. In the southern part, Triassic deposits (Fig. 3), and especially those of the Bunter Sandstone, may provide another source of mineral waters. In the central and northern parts of the area these deposits contain waters characterized by very high mineralization (over 150 or even over 200 g/l). All the mineral waters occurring here are either of the chloride-sodium type or the chloride-sodium-calcium type. They are characterized by a large content of bromine and boron.In the part ofPolanddescribed here there are very favourable geothermal conditions and this is an important factor in the utilization of waters for therapeutic purposes. Owing to a large concentration of salt in these waters they cannot be used in heating installations. Waters occurring in Jurassic and Triassic deposits can be treated as a raw material for the production of bromine if they occur there at great depths.In order to investigate the possibility of obtaining mineral waters at Lagów, the Geological Institute made in this locality borehole Lagów Lubuski IG-1 (Fig. 5).Water was encountered there at a depth of 612.5¸713.3 m. This is chloride-sodium water, its general mineralization being 6.4 g/l. The content of bromine and boron exceeds the pharmacodynamic threshold.Investigations of borehole Sława IG-1 (Fig. 6) show that mineral waters in the area of Sława Śląska cannot be used for medical purposes. Waters from Bunter Sandstone deposits are characterized by too high a degree of mineralization (about 196 g/l), while on water was obtained from Muschelkalk sediments.In the other localities, where the construction of health resorts is being planned, mineral waters which are suitable for medical purposes can be obtained (Fig. 4).The difficult problem that will have to be solved is the disposal of mineral waters used for bathing since all of these will be chloride-sodium waters characterized by high mineralization. 



