Występowanie skał cieszynitowych w miocenie Starej Wsi


  • Wiesław Nowak


THE OCCURRENCE OF TESCHENITE ROCKS IN THE MIOCENE OF STARA WIEŚ (KARPATY BIELSKIE)SummaryThe author identified teschenite rocks (Figs. 1, 2 and 5 inPolish text) at Stara Wieś, near Wilamowice, in the course of geological investigations conducted in the area of Karpaty Bielskie. The fact that teschenite rocks occur here, in the form of pebbles in Lower Tortonian deposits (Lower Badenian) – zona Orbulina (Table 1), together, with fragments and blocks of flysch rocks (Fig. 4; Plates I and II), shows that these rocks originate from the washing of flysch sediments, in connection with the transgression of the Miocene Sea in the marginal part of the flysch units in the Western Carpathians.Thus teschenite rocks encountered at Stara Wieś are older than the micropalaeontologically evidenced Miocene sediments (zona Orbulina), where these rocks are redeposited, and older than the autochthonous Miocene rocks (zona Orbulina) which fill the Carpathian Fore-deep in this area. The above facts lead to the conclusion that the teschenite magma centre was situated beyond the area of the present overthrust Carpathian units, i. e., generally in the south – in the area of the then flysch geosyncline of the Oarpathians, probably in the northern part of the Cieszyn zone. It is namely there that different forms of the activity of submarine teschenite vocanism are known from the Uppermost Jurassic and the Lowermost Lower Cretaceous.The author also considers the possibility that teschenites from boreholes in the Skoczów area (e. g. from borehole Kostkowice 41), described as localUpper Tortonianor post-Upper Tortonian intrusions, may actually represent detached blolcks or sedimentation blocks in Miocene deposits, originating, just as at Stara Wieś, from the Cieszyn or Grodziszcze Beds. 



