Główne kierunki badań hydrogeologicznych Instytutu Geologicznego dla ustalenia zasobów wód podziemnych w latach 1976–1985


  • Jan Malinowski


THE MAIN TRENDS OF HYDROGEOLOGICAL STUDIES BY THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE IN 1976–1985SummaryThe author presents the main trends of hydrogeological studies to be conducted by the Geological Institute in 1976–1985. The general aim of these studies is to estimate the existing resources of subterranean drinkable and mineral waters.The studies will be based on the present estimate of the resources of fresh subterranean waters in all water-bearing geological formations. The respective figures show (Table 1) that Quaternary deposits are the richest in this respect (74 per cent); the next in turn are Cretaceous deposits (11.5 per cent), Jurassic deposits (5.9 per cent), Tertiary deposits (5.2 per cent), Triassic deposits (2.2 per cent), and Palaeozoic deposits (0.7 per cent).The above figures indicate that hydrological studies concerned with the estimation of the resources of subterranean waters will be mainly concentrated on Quaternary sediments, comprising the zone of the North-Polish Glaciation. Fluvial sediments of various glacial cycles occur in this area. They represent rich basins of subterranean waters which .have not been much studied from the hydrogeological point of view. In complex studies of this zone geophysical investigations will play the main role since it is only by means of these methods that the location of hydrogeological structures can be precisely determined.The remaining sediments, those of the Tertiary, Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Trias, will be examined from the point of view ·of the depth of drinkable waters, their hydraulic interrelationships, and the water supply in the particular geographical or administrative-economic regions.There will be also parallel studies concerned with estimating new resources of mineral waters :in connection with the development of health resorts and recreation centres. This type of research will be a continuation of present investigations in the area of the Polish Lowland, where resources of brines and sulphur waters are being explored. Prospecting for the latter type of waters will be particularly intensive since they are rare in the Polish Lowland. New sources of mineral and thermal waters will also be explored in the Carpathians, the Sudetes, and in the south-western periphery of the Góry Świętokrzyskie.





