How to resolve Pleistocene stratigraphic problems by different methods? A case study from eastern Poland


  • Sławomir Terpiłowski UMCS, Lublin
  • Tomasz Zieliński UAM, Poznań
  • Jarosław Kusiak UMCS, Lublin
  • Irena Agnieszka Pidek UMCS, Lublin
  • Piotr Czubla UŁ, Łódź
  • Anna Hrynowiecka Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute
  • Anna Godlewska UMCS, Lublin
  • Paweł Zieliński UMCS, Lublin
  • Marzena Małek POLGEOL S.A., Lublin Office



chronostratigraphy, geochronology, interglacial meandering river, Pleistocene, Mazovian/Holsteinian, E Poland


Different methods have been used to determine the stratigraphic position of Pleistocene alluvial deposits, particularly fluvial interglacial deposits. Near-surface deposits of a meandering river, developed in point-bar and oxbow lake facies, in the Samica River valley (near Łuków, eastern Poland) have been investigated. The fossil valley is incised into the till plain and the outwash. The fluvial succession is locally overlain by solifluction deposits. All the deposits underwent sedimentological analysis. The petrographic composition of basal till occurring in the vicinity of a fossil valley was determined with the method of indicator erratics. Fluvial deposits were examined by pollen analysis and plant macrofossil analysis of oxbow lake facies. Absolute dating methods were applied to the deposits (thermoluminescence methods: TL and additionally IRSL). Lithological differences between fluvial and the surrounding glaciofluvial deposits were identified and their lithostratigraphic position assigned. Petrographic analysis of till and palaeobotanical analyses of oxbow lake facies gave compatible results. Fluvial deposits were formed after the Sanian 2/Elsterian Glaciation, during the Mazovian/Holsteinian Interglacial. Luminescence dating of the fluvial deposits by the TLMAX method yielded the most relevant results (412-445 ka), which indicate that these deposits were formed during the end of the MIS 12 and beginning of the MIS 11 stage.

Author Biographies

Sławomir Terpiłowski, UMCS, Lublin

Department of Geoecology and PalaeogeographyFaculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial ManagementMaria Curie-Sklodowska University in LublinKrasnicka 2 c,dPL-20-718 Lublin

Tomasz Zieliński, UAM, Poznań

Institute of GeologyAdam Mickiewicz UniversityMaków Polnych 16PL-61-606 Poznań

Jarosław Kusiak, UMCS, Lublin

Department of Geoecology and PalaeogeographyFaculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial ManagementMaria Curie-Sklodowska University in LublinKrasnicka 2 c,dPL-20-718 Lublin

Irena Agnieszka Pidek, UMCS, Lublin

Department of Geoecology and PalaeogeographyFaculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial ManagementMaria Curie-Sklodowska University in LublinKrasnicka 2 c,dPL-20-718 Lublin

Piotr Czubla, UŁ, Łódź

Laboratory of GeologyŁódź UniversityNarutowicza 88PL-90-139 Łódź 

Anna Hrynowiecka, Polish Geological Institute - National Research Institute

Polish Geological Institute - National Research InstituteMarine Geology BranchKoscierska 5PL-80-328 Gdansk

Anna Godlewska, UMCS, Lublin

Department of Geoecology and PalaeogeographyFaculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial ManagementMaria Curie-Sklodowska University in LublinKrasnicka 2 c,dPL-20-718 Lublin

Paweł Zieliński, UMCS, Lublin

Department of Geoecology and PalaeogeographyFaculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial ManagementMaria Curie-Sklodowska University in LublinKrasnicka 2 c,dPL-20-718 Lublin

Marzena Małek, POLGEOL S.A., Lublin Office

Geological EnterprisePOLGEOL S.A.Lublin OfficeBudowlana 26PL-20-469 Lublin





