Oksford okolic Olkusza


  • Andrzej Gąsiewicz Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka


Omówiona zastała biostratygrafia i litostratygrafia utworów oksfordzkich w rejonie Olkusza. Występująca tu fauna amonitowa pozwala na zaliczenie wydzielonych jednostek litostratygraficznych do oksfordu środkowego i górnego w podziale submedyterańskim.THE OXFORDIAN IN THE VICINITIES OF OLKUSZ The paper presents biostratigraphy and lithostratigraphy of Oxfordian deposits cropping out at Sułoszowa, Przeginia and Racławice W of Olkusz (Fig. 1). The following unformal lithostratigraphic units are differentiated (Fig. 2): Lower Zawodzie Limestones, Lower Massive Limestone, Upper Zawodzie Limestones, Main Massive Limestone, and Chalky Limestones. Ammonite fauna recorded in outcropping Oxfordian deposits (Table 1) shows that the above lithostratigraphic units may be assigned to the Middle (transversarium and bifurcatus zones) and Upper Oxfordian (bimammatum zone) in the Submediterranean subdivision. In the studied area, the Oxfordian sections display two mass occurrences of ammonites of the genus Amoeboceras. The ammonites first appear in masses in massive limestones of upper part of the bifurcatus zone (local mass occurrence?) and thereafter in the Zawodzie Limestones of the hypselum subzone.





