Nowe stanowisko najwyższego wizenu w SW części Gór Swiętokrzyskich


  • Halina Żakowa Polish Geological lnstitute, Holy Cross Mountains Branch, Zgoda 21, 25-953 Kielce


Omówiono litologię, szczątki organiczne i stratygrafię utworów karbonu występujących pod permem górnym w otworze Sitkówka 1. Uzasadniono zaliczenie utworów do poziomu Goniatites granosus, który nie był dotychczas znany z synkliny bolechowickiej. Wyniki badań rzutują na stan rozpoznania profilu stratygraficznego i facjalno-paleogeograficzny rozwój karbonu w Górach Świętokrąskich.A NEW LOCALITY OF THE UPPERMOST VISEAN IN SW PART OF THE GÓRY SWIĘTOKRZYSKIE MTS.The borehoJe Sitkówka 1, made in the Bolechowice Syncline, encountered black claystones of the Visean, occurring at depth of 163.8-170.0 m beneath the Zechstein (Fig. 1). Organic remains are fairly common throughout the Carboniferous section and 34 taxa (besides miospores) were identilied here (Table 1). Ostracodes assigned to the genus Rectonaria are most similar in morphological structure to those of the species R. brevicornuta B l u m e n s t e n g e l. There were found two species hitherto unknown in Poland: Earlandia consternatio C o n k i n and Streblochondria fuhrmanni W e y e r. The analysis of stratigraphic ranges of the recorded genera and species made it possible assignation of the deposits to the Upper Visean as well as the Goniatites granosus zone.Up 10 the present, only Tournaisian deposits were known in the Bolechowice Syncline (H. Żakowa, 1967; G. Freyer, H. Żakowa, 1967). In the area of Paleozoic outcrops in the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts. the Goniatites granosus zone has been evidenced in the Gałęzice Syncline only (H. Żakowa, 1971). The analysis showed that claystones from the borehole Sitkówka 1 cannot be correlated with top part of the Gałęzice section (where organic material is no longer present) but rather with basal part of that section. Attention should be paid to the presence of small pyritized gastropods. Such gastropods were also found in lower part of the section Goy in the Gałęzice Syncline and their presence was explained as related to an algal meadow enironment (A. Gromczakiewicz, H. Żakowa, 1968). The Sitkówka cJaystones also yield miospore assemblage the same as the younger assemblage from rocks of the Goniatites granosus zone in the Gałęzice Syncline (A. Jachowicz, H. Żakowa. 1969).





