Korelacja pokładów węgla w Centralnym Rejonie Węglowym Lubelskiego Zagłębia Węglowego na podstawie badań geochemicznych


  • Stefan Cebulak Polish Geological lnstitute, Upper Silesian Branch in Sosnowiec, ul. Królowej Jadwigi 1, 41-200 Sosnowiec
  • Anna Różkowska Polish Geological lnstitute, Upper Silesian Branch in Sosnowiec, ul. Królowej Jadwigi 1, 41-200 Sosnowiec


Badania geochemiczne popiołów węgli z południowej części Centralnego Rejonu Węglowego LZW pozwoliły na przeprowadzenie korelacji pokładów węgla podstawowej serii węglonośnej karbonu. Korelację oparto na zróżnicowaniu zawartości zarówno pierwiastków podstawowych, jak i śladowych w popiołach węgli, rozpatrując zawartości tych pierwiastków nie w pojedynczych pokładach, lecz w' grupach pokładów. Badania geochemiczne przeprowadzono na podstawie zmian zawartości 12 pierwiastków, wyróżniając pięć typów zmienności i wydzielając sześć grup pokładów.CORRELATE COAL SEAMS IN THE CENTRAL COAL REGION, LUBLIN COAL BASIN, ON THE BASIS OF GEOCHEMICAL DATA Geochemical studies on coals in the Lublin Coal Basin, carried out for several years, made it possible to correlate coal seams on the basis of geochemical indices. The paper presents an attempt to correlate the major coal-bearing series of the Carboniferous occurring in southern part of the Central Coal Region. The studies showed that contents of both basic and trace elements in ash from coals from individual seams are markedly varying. Trace elements appear to be clearly related to certain basic ones. The interdependances are best reflected by so called multiplicity coefficient of increase in content of a given elements to its mean content for selected part of the coal basin. The analysed elements were grouped into five different types of interdependence. In individual interdependence types the elements are linked in the following way: Type I - CaO, SO3 and Ba; Type II – Fe2O3, S, As and Mo; Type IIa – AI2O3, Li; Type IIb – SiO2, Ti, Nb and Ga; Type III – K2O, Na2O, Y, Sr and Rb; Type IV - MgO, Be and Cd; Type V - interdependence of some trace elements only (Ni, Co, Pb, Zn, Zr and Ge). As the basis for the method of geochemical correlation of seams there were accepted only those differentiations which display characteristic variability throughout the studied part of the coal basin. Fe, Al and Si and As, Ba, Li, Nb, Ti and Y were found to display most constant variability, S, Ca, K. Na and Mg and trace elements Be. Ni, Co, Ge, Zr, Rb and Sr - fairly stable variability. The results of analysis of 13 elements, treated as 13 components in chemical analysis of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, K2O, combustible sulfur, total sulfur and As, Ba, Nb, Y, Li and Ti appear most useful in the proposed method of correlation. Ni, Ge and Zr may here be used as supplementary indices and the image of their changes may be further supplemented by Na2O, MgO and Pb, Co, Rb and Sr. The correlation may be performed by analysing content of elements not in individual seams but rather groups of seams as it is shown by characteristic variabilities of the above given types of interdependence of elements. The use of this method made it possible to differentiate 6 groups of seams varying in content of the above listed elements, in the Carboniferous section.





