Rozpoznanie hydrogeologiczne utworów miocenu w rejonie Przemyśla


  • Krzysztof Witek Polish Geological lnstitute, Carpathian Branch in Cracow, ul. Skrzatów 1, 31-560 Kraków


W stropowej części utworu miocenu w okolicach Przemyśla wydzielono cztery poziomy osadów piaskowcowych (A - D), z których najlepszy pod względem hydrogeologicznym jest poziom B. Wydajność osiągnęła wartości 1,5 - 12,5 ml/h, a wody mają charakter wodorowęglanowo-sodowy o mineralizacji 0,83 -1 ,6 g/l.HYDRO GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MIOCENE STRATA IN THE PRZEMYŚL AREA The paper presents results of hydrogeological survey in the Przemyśl area, carried out on the basis of data from boreholes Walawa IG 19, Orły IG 20, Żurawica IG 21 and Jaksmanice IG 22. Four horizons (A, B, C. D), representing potential water reservoirs, were differentiated in top parts of Miocene strata. Of these, the horizon B appears most prespective and at the same time the best known. Water inflows to boreholes are up to 1.5-12.5 m3/h (hydrogeological conditions are found to be more advantageous in northern part of the studied area). The obtained results were analysed with reference 10 laboratory data (granulometry, determinations of percolation coefficient) which indicate rather poor hydrogeological properties of sandstone horizons (k = 9.2 x 10-6 - 1.9 x 10-5). Poor hydrogeological properties of the rocks were also shown by results of my studies. Chemical analyses showed that these are hydrogen-carbonate-sodium waters with slightly increased mineralization (0.83 -1.6 g/dm3).





