Z prac Międzynarodowej Komisji Mapy Geologicznej Świata w latach 1978 -1982


  • Roman Osika Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa


Na posiedzeniu Międzynarodowej Komisji Mapy Geologicznej Świata przedstawiono sprawozdanie z postępu opracowania map: metalogenicznych. geologicznych, tektonicznych, geologiczno-geofizycznych i paleotektonicznych poszczególnych kontynentów, atlasu geologicznego świata, atlasu bogactw mineralnych świata, map potencjału środowiska, a także serii map okręgu pacyficznego. Po-nadto przedyskutowano legendy nowych map, wygłoszono referaty naukowe oraz zorganizowano . wystawę nowych map metalogeniczych, geologicznych i innych.ACTIVITY OF THE INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION FOR GEOLOGICAL MAP OF WORLD IN 1978-1982 SPACE OF TIME Activity of the International Commission for Geological Map of World during the last four years (1978 - 1982) was marked by significant achievements. Printing of metallogenic map of Europe (scale 1: 2 500 000), of North America (scale 1: 5 000 000), and of the Soviet Union (scale 1: 2 500 000) was over; metallogenic maps of South America and Africa (both scales 1: 5000 000) were already compiled and prepared to be printed; furthermore, compilation of both maps of Australia and Oceania was far advanced. Preparation of atlas of mineral resources and of metallogenic dictionary occurred to be commenced. Improvement was reached in compilation of geological and tectonic maps; the major part of them is subjected to printing or to editing work and delay is observed in cases of maps covering Africa and South-East Asia only. An attempt was made to start a compilation of both the geological-geophysical maps of continents and the environment-potentiality maps. In the frame of program (already started) to cover the Pacific areas with set of maps the four quadrants are to be mapped in respect of plate tectonics, geology, geodynamics, and mineral resources as well. Projection of geology, types of deposits, chemism of ore bodies will be presented on the maps and the large, medium, and small deposits will be distinguished in regard to their magnitude. Concentrations of manganese oxides and other metallic ore deposits occurring within the sea and ocean areas will be clearly pointed out. Generally 40 maps, scales from 1: 10 000 000 to 1: 20 000 000, are provided for accomplishment in the frame of the International Commission's program. From this program, the maps presenting image of geophysics and of plate tectonics have been already published. During the session of the Commission, the scientific reports and papers were lectured on cartographic studies undertaken on the Mediterranean Sea and other marine areas. The geochemical maps were the basis for other lectures. There was also arranged an exposition of geological, metallogenic, and other maps recently published. September 1984 and the Geological Congress to be held in Moscow are the appointed time and the place for the next session of the International Commission for Geological Map of World.





