Charakterystyka zmienności litologiczno-facjalnych wizenu w NE części LZW


  • Michał Laskowski xxx


Omówiono profile litologiczne osadów wizenu czterech otworów wiertniczych, usytuowanych między Parczewem i Radzyniem Podlaskim. W oparciu o uzyskany materiał przeprowadzono wstępną analizę litologiczno-facjalną. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF LITHOLOGICAL-FACIES VARIABILITY OF VISEAN DEPOSITS IN NE PART OF THE LUBLIN COAL BASINThe paper presents data obtained from lithological-facies analysis of Visean rocks penetrated by drillings made within the project of geological-prospecting works on Carboniferous bauxite and alithic (Al2O3-rich) rocks between Radzyń Podlaski and Włodawa in NE part of the Lublin Coal Basin.Four borehole Visean profiles most strongly differentiated in lithology and fades are discussed here: Parczew IG 6, Rudno IG 1, Radzyń IG 8 and Radzyń IG 10 (Fig. 1).The analysis of Visean deposits, based on lithological analysis of the above mentioned borehole profiles, made it possible to note a distinct bipartity in lithology. The lower part was named alithic after the occurrence of some sections with increased Al2O3 content, and the upper was named carbonate-clay complex (Fig. 2). The main differences between these complexes are connected with a marked predominance of clastic deposits on marly-calcareous in the alithic complex whereas the opposite is true in the case of the upper complex.Some differences may be also traced within the complexes which are generally tripartite. The differences are connected with the occurrence of layers indicating deposition in marine environment (calcareous-marly deposits with marine fauna) and rocks with features of coastal-continental or swampy-continental deposits (e.g. phytogenic deposits and stigmaria soils - see Fig. 2).Variability of deposits of these complexes as well as facies differentiation within these complexes indicate a marked differentiation in paleogeographic setting and paleorelief of this relatively small sedimentary environment of Visean deposits. The reconstruction of paleogeography and paleorelief will be given elsewhere 





