Charakterystyka utworów paleozoicznych (karbon, dewon) na podstawie otworu wiertniczego w Rudzie Strawczyńskiej


  • Katarzyna Pawłowska xxx
  • Stanisław Pawłowski xx


Omówiono wyniki, badań geologicznych otworu Ruda Strawczyńska odnośnie starszego piętra strukturalnego, budującego mezozoiczną nieckę promnicką w zachodniej części Gór Świętokrzyskich. Wyróżniono środkowy i górny fran, niekompletny famen oraz płat dolnego karbonu. THE CHARACTERISTICS OF PALEOZOIC (CARBONIFEROUS AND DEVONIAN) DEPOSITS ON THE BASIS OF BOREHOLE PROFILE FROM RUDA STRAWCZYŃSKAPaleozoic (Upper Devonian and, Carboniferous) rocks penetrated by the borehole at Ruda Strawczyńska in western part of the Świętokrzyskie Mts are discussed.These rocks were found at the depth of 822,0 m beneath Permian deposits infilling wide Mesozoic Promnik syncline. The drilling was stopped at the depth of 1003.6 m in Upper Devonian rocks. Frasnian rocks were found at depths from 1003.6 to 915.5 m. Not penetrated Frasnian represents the Manticoceras zone. In its lower part was found stromatoporoid assemblage comprising Actinostroma crassum Lecompte and other species. The assemblage comprises some forms hitherto known only from Timan and Russian Platform. The rocks are dated at the turn of the zones toIb and toIg on the basis of conodonts.The Famennian was penetrated at depths from 915.5 to 852.5 m. There were evidenced conodont zones toIV and toV whereas the zones toII and toIII are found to be missing which indicates stratigraphic gap between the Frasnian and Famennian. The zone toIV is represented by pure, light-coloured limestones characterized by the mass occurrence of brachiopods Dzieduszyckia kielcensis(F. Roemer). These brachiopods, first deseribed from the Świętokrzyskie Mts in 1825, are here recorded for the second time. A rich collection of specimens from Ruda Strawczyńska made possible for G. Biernat (1967) to revise and enequivocally establish systematic position of the genus Dzieduszyckia Siemiradzki.Stratigraphic gaps were also found between the Frasnian and Carboniferous where the conodont zone VI (Wocklumeria beds) and presumably lower part of the Tournaisian are missing. Angular disconformity equals 20°. Carboniferous deposits with real thickness equal 17 m do not contain any organic remains except for plant debris.





