Stratygrafia osadów plejstoceńskich i rozwój sieci rzecznej we wschodniej części Niecki Włoszczowskiej


  • Józef Szajn xx


W Niecce Włoszczowskiej wydzielono, obok dotychczas przyjmowanych utworów morenowych zlodowacenia południowopolskiego, utwory lodowcowe zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego. Przedstawiono również wnioski dotyczące ewolucji doliny Lipnicy (lewobrzeżnego dopływu Białej Nidy). STRATIGRAPHY OF PLEISTOCENE DEPOSITS AND DEVELOPMENT OF RIVER NETWORK IN EASTERN PART OF THE WŁOSZCZOWA BASIN The studied area is situated at the boundary of the Przedbórz-Małogoszcz range and Nida basin, SW part of the Góry Świętokrzyskie area (Fig. 1). Quaternary deposits here overlay Mesozoic rocks ranging in age from the Late Jurassic to Cretaceous (Albian – Early Maestrichtlan).The older Pleistocene is represented by silts and weathering clays, the accumulation of which began in the Tertiary, as well as by periglacial loams with debris of local rocks, which are related to the Podlasie (Gunz) Glaciation.The studied area was completely covered by the icesheet during the South-Polish (Mindel) Glaciation. Doposits of that Glaciation are represented by silts, sands with gravels and tills mainly preserved on highlands.Great Interglacial (Holstein) deposits were found in the borehole Lipno 3 (Fig. 3) only. They are represented by slope loams with debris of flints and crystalline rocks and overlying fluvial sands with gravel.The Mid-Polish (Riss) Glaciation is represented by silts and sands of ice-dammed lakes, fluvio-periglacial and fluvioglacial sands, tills and front-moraine, kame and sander sands and gravels. One of icesheet lobes reached the studied area during the maximum phase of this Glaciation (Fig. 5). Sandy-gravel sander plain, nowadays representing the uppermost terrace of the Lipnica river (Figs. 1 and 5), originated in these times south-east of the line of the maximum extent of that lobe.Eemian Interglacial deposits were not found here. Baltic (Wòrm) Glaciation is represented by fluvial sands building terrace rising 2 to 5 m above water level in the river and the Holocene – by fluvial deposits as well as some deluvial deposits of the floodplain.





