Plejstoceńska forma rynnowa okolic Słupska


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Artykuł dotyczy głównie formy rynnowej okolic Słupska, dla której analizuje się profil plejstocenu, uwzględniając również najbliższe sąsiedztwo tego obniżenia. Zagadnienie to nabiera znaczenia wobec słabego dotąd rozpoznania stratygrafii czwartorzędu tej części Pomorza. PLEISTOCENE SUB-GLACIAL CHANNEL FROM THE VICINITIES OF SŁUPSK The paper presents an outline of stratigraphy of the Pleistocene of the Słupsk area and some remarks on the age and history of its sub-Quaternary surface (Fig. 1). Only relics of South-Polish Glaciation deposits are here preserved at the bottom of deep meridional depression in surface of Quaternary substratum (Fig. 2). The depression presumably represents a channel of subglacial origin. Mid-Polish Glaciation deposits are represented by two glacial horizons as well as deposits of ice-dammed lake and fluvioglacial origin underlying, separating and overlying them. A sandy-silty series underlying the lower till is guide horizon for dating these deposits. North-Polish Glaciation deposits form the subsurface in the studied area. Two glacial horizons may be distinguished. Lower till and accompanying deposits may belong to the older stage, well-evidenced in the areas west of Żuławy Wiślane and the upper till belongs to the main stage and is dated at the end of the Pomeranian phase of the North-Polish Glaciation.The terrain surface is at present formed by morainic plateau and the Słupia river valley incised in it (Fig. 3). Two erosional terraces are developed on slopes of the plateau (Fig. 2, IV and HI). In the valley are differentiated two terraces: sander terrace (II) and present-day valley floor (I).  





