Analiza spikul gąbek krzemionkowych z oksfordu Wrzosowej i Zawodzia oraz kampanul Bonarki


  • Małgorzata Moczydłowska xxx
  • Jolanta Paruch-Kulczycka xxx


Przedstawiono szczegółowe opisy 42 morfotypów spikul, obserwacje dotyczące udziału poszczególnych morfotypów w wapieniach wyższej części oksfordu dolnego jury częstochowskiej i w opoce krzemionkowej kampanu dolnego okolic Krakowa oraz sugestie odnoszące się do stworzonego przez O. F. Geyera szeregu rozwojowego spikul pierścieniowych. AN ANALYSIS OF SILICEOUS SPONGE SPICULES FROM THE OXFORDIAN OF WRZOSOWA AND ZAWODZIE AND THE CAMPANIAN OF BONARKA The paper presents the results of micropaleontological analysis of isolated siliceous sponge spicules. The studied Jurassic material (J. Paruch-Kulczycka) was derived from limestones representing upper parts of the Lower Oxfordian and Middle Oxfordian (Wrzosowa and Zawodzie localities, respectively) and the Cretaceous material (M. Moczydłowska) – from siliceous opokas developed in spicule- foraminifer fades and representing middle parts of the Lower Campanian according to W. Barczyk (1956) (Bonarka near Cracow).The paper presents descriptions of 42 spicule morphotypes identified up to the order level following the systematics proposed by M. W. de Laubenfels (1955). The morphotypes described for the first time include acanthoprodichostylotriaen and protrichocriccotriaen from Bonarka acanthocriccorhabd and anastylodiaem from Zawodzie.The assemblages derived from particular localities differ in quantitative and qualitative composition. The Lower Oxfordian assemblage from Wrzosowa comprises 27 morphotypes among which rhizoclon is most common and rhax only somewhat scarcer. The Middle Oxfordian assemblage from Zalwodzie comprises 28 morphotypes among which rhax markedly predominates quantitatively. In turn, Campanian assemblage from Bonarka comprises 18 morphotypes among which oxea and amphioxquantitatively predominate and protriaen is most strongly differentiated.Protrichocriccotriaen from Bonarka represents a successive link of evolutionary series of ring-like spicules differentiated by O. F. Geyer (1955). 





