Badania budowy głębokiego podłoża w Polsce metodą fal odbitych w strefie przed punktem krytycznym


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Omówiono wyniki badań głębokich granic odbijających, do nieciągłości Moho włącznie. Opracowana metodyka pomiarów pozwala na pewne wyznaczenie granic, także w rejonach o dużym tle fal zakłócających. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na celowość prowadzenia badań głębokich granic metodą fal odbitych przed punktem krytycznym. SURVEYS OF DEEP BASEMENT IN POLAND WITH THE USE OF METHOD OF WAVES REFLECTED IN CRITICAL POINT PRECEDING ZONEThe seismic reflection method is one of basic sources of information on structure of deep-seated crustal layers in.e1uding the Moho discontinuity boundary. The surveys of several geological units of Poland, carried out by the Geophysical Prospecting Enterprise, showed the possibilities to trace waves reflected in critical point preceding zone. The waves are sometimes well visible even in field seismographs, becoming more e1ear along with increase in multiplicity of coverage. The applied methods of field works, especially the pattern of distribution of drillings and geophones, were most appropriate for recording waves reflected from boundaries in sedimentary cover. Nevertheless, the obtained results make also possible reliable tracing of seismic boundaries, i.e. to obtain basic information on structure of deep-seated crustal layers. The obtained results also indicate purposefulness of further surveys with the use of method of waves reflected in critical point preceding zone.





