Szczątki kostne nosorożca włochatego (Coelodonta antiquitatis B l u m e n b a c h) w Przasnyszu


  • Władysław Karaszewski xxx


W Przasnyszu na głębokości 3,7 – 4,7 m stwierdzono żwiry przepełnione kośćmi dużego ssaka, wśród których rozpoznano ząb nosorożca włochatego (Coelodonta antiquitatis B l u m e n b a c h), co nasuwa przypuszczenie, iż pozostałe kości należą do tego samego osobnika. BONE REMAINS OF COELODONTA ANTIQUITATIS  B L U M E N B A C H AT PRZASNYSZ (NORTH OF WARSAW)A shallow drilling, made for estimating soil foundation properties in area of Przasnysz town (about 80 km north of Warsaw), encountered gravels with numerous bone remains of a large mammal and it had to be stopped at depth of 3.7–4.7 m. The bone remains found there include tooth of hairy rhinoceros (Coelodonta antiquitatis B l u m e n b a c h), which suggest that all of them may belong to the same individual. Remains of that animal are fairly rare in this part of Poland as, up to the present, single bones or jaws are known from four localities in Mazowsze only. The finding at Przasnysz offers a possibility to excavate at least a part of skeleton of that animal. 





