Możliwości sformalizowania podziału lito stratygraficznego środkowego i górnego triasu Wyżyny Śląsko-Krakowskiej


  • Hanna Senkowiczowa xx


Przedstawiono analizę aktualnego stanu litostratygrafii środkowego i górnego triasu epikontynentalnego na obszarze Wyżyny Śląsko-Krakowskiej przeprowadzoną w celu poznania możliwości zastąpienia podziału obecnie obowiązującego podziałem formalnym i wkomponowania go w podział formalny zaproponowany wcześniej (H. Senkowiczowa, 1979) dla pozostałego obszaru Polski. ON POSSIBILITIES TO ESTABLISH FORMAL LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC SUBDIVISION FOR THE MIDDLE AND UPPER TRIASSIC OF THE SILESIAN-CRACOW UPLAND In connection with publication of “The principles of Polish classification of strati graphic terminology and nomenclature” (S. Alexandrowicz and others, 1975), the present state of lithostratigraphy of the Middle and Upper Triassic of the Silesian-Cracow Upland has been analysed from the point of view of replacing the currently used subdivision with a formal one. Subdivisions recently proposed by some authors (Tables 1, 2) differ from one another in some details which makes it necessary to carry out further studies before the formal subdivision can be established.It may be, however, generally stated that the formal subdivision should appear usable for the whole section of the Middle and Upper Triassic throughout the Silesian-Cracow Upland, except for the Ore-bearing Dolomite rocks.In the Silesian-Cracow Upland, Middle and Upper Triassic rocks are, in part, developed analogically as in the neighbouring areas, for which such formal subdivisions are already available (H. Senkowiczowa, 1979). Table 3 shows possibilities to correlate formal subdivisions proposed for the Middle and Upper Triassic of the Upland and the remaining parts of the country.  





