Formacje metalogeniczne w utworach triasowych na obszarach platformowych Europy i na terenach przyległych


  • Roman Osika xxx
  • Hanna Senkowiczowa xxx


 Przedstawiono ogólną charakterystykę formacji metalogenicznych związanych z epikontynentalnymi i śródlądowymi utworami triasu na obszarze Europy i na terenach przyległych do tego kontynentu.Scharakteryzowano formację żelazonośną, cynkowo-ołowiową, halogeniczną i inne koncentracje mineralne. METALLOGENIC FORMATIONS IN TRIASSIC ROCKS OF THE PLATFORM AND ADJOINING AREAS IN EUROPE Metallogenic formations related to epicontinental and inland Triassic deposits in Europe are characterized (Fig. 1). The formations are discussed at the background of paleogeographic development of the Lower, Middle and Upper Triassic in Europe and adjoining areas (Figs. 2–4).Three metallogenic formations occur in the Triassic of Europe: iron-bearing, Zn – Pb and halite.Moreover, there are also recorded some occurrences of barite, manganese ores, uranium and kaolines (Fig. 5). Iron-bearing formations are mainly related to Bundsandstein deposits, in which they form metasomatic concentrations in carbonate rocks in marginal zones of epicontinental basin. The hitherto recorded occurrences of uranium ores are limited to the Bundsandstein rocks only. The deposits of the highest commercial value include those of Zn – Pb in the Silesian-Cracow area in Poland (Fig. 6), rock salt of France (Fig. 7) and Great Britain (Fig. 8), and also potassium salt in France.The areas interesting from the point of view of further search for Zn – Pb, barite, uranium, and kaoline deposits include margins of the pre-Vendian Shield and Paleozoic massifs, and in the case of rock salt – mainly central parts of Triassic basins, uplifted by Alpine movements (e.g. in the neighbourhood of the Vosges). 





