Forrnacje rnetalogeniczne kenozoiku na obszarach platforrnowych i w alpejskich zapadliskach przedgórskich Europy i terenów przyległych


  • Roman Osika Polish Geological Institute, Rakowiecka 4, PL-00-975 Warszawa


Scharakteryzowano formacje metalogeniczne: żelazonośną, manganonośną, solonośną, siarkonośną, fosforytonośną i kaolinonośną, oraz złoża i surowce mineralne nie ujęte w formacje, jak piaski tytanonośne, cynonośne, a także celestyn i inne. Ważniejsze złoża przedstawiono na mapach paleogeograficznych paleogenu i neogenu oraz czwartorzędu. Obejmują one obszary platformowe i zapadliska przedgórskie Europy oraz terenów przyległych.CENOZOIC METALLOGENIC FORMATIONS ON THE PLATFORM AND ALPIAN FOREDEEPS OF EUROPE AND ADJACENT TERRITORIES The metallogenic formations (iron-bearing, phosphate-bearing. sulphur-bearing and kaoliniferous) in Cenozoic formations of platform areas and foredeeps of Europe and adjacent territories were characterized. After short sketch on deposition basins development, particular metallogenic formations on the background of the palaeogeography of Paleogene, Neogene and Quaternary (fig. 2-4) were discussed also deposits of mineral ores on the background of the Cenozoic formations stratigraphy were illustrated (fig. 5). In Paleocene manganese deposits are known in north-eastern Ural border, and on the Krasnodar area and phosphate deposits at Gafsa in Tunisia. In Eocene arose scarce iron ores in France, Great Britain and West Germany. Manganese ores in Spain and Paris Basin, phosphate deposits between Vistula river, Bug and Wieprz in Poland and on the Dniester river area in USSR. More serious phosphate deposits also are known from Syria, Jordan, Israel and Saudi Arabia. In Oligocene originated many large deposits. Among them more important are: iron ores at Aralian Sea, giant manganese deposits in the Warna area in Bulgaria and on Nikopol area and Mangyshlak in USSR. Moreover, originated large rock salt and potassium salt deposits in France while on the East-European Platform in the Rowno-Kovel area large phosphate deposits. In Saragossa and Madrid in Spain uranium and titano-zirconium sedimentary ores were deposited. In Paleocene, Eocene and Oligocene arose kaolin deposits in France and Bulgaria and titaniumferous sands on the Turgay Lowlands in USSR. In Miocene rock and potassium salts originated in Carpathian Foredeep in USSR, rock salt in Poland and Romania and on the Arabian Platform in Syria and Jordan. In Miocene originated also gipsum deposits of which as a result of later metasomatic processes large sulphur deposits were formed in Poland, in USSR and in the area of Mesopotamia, Iraq and Iran. In Pliocene broadly iron Ores are distributed in the Kertch area. In Quaternary titano-zirconium sands originated on the sea beaches (Warna) and in the river beds (Nile Delta) and another area, and also rock salt deposits on the Arabian Platform and in the Caspian Sea area.





