Rozwój badań systemu permskiego w Instytucie Geologicznym


  • Ryszard Wagner xxx
  • Jędrzej Pokorski xxx
  • Julian Sokołowski xxx
  • Stanisław Depowski xxx


 Przedstawiono historię badań i stan rozpoznania systemu permskiego w Polsce z dokładniejszym omówieniem prac prowadzonych przez Instytut Geologiczny w ostatnim dziesięcioleciu Scharakteryzowano główne kierunki dalszych badań podstawowych i geosynoptycznych. DEVELOPMENTS IN STUDIES ON THE PERMIAN IN THE GEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE The studies on Permian rocks, initiated as early as the middle of the XIX c., were limited to their natural exposures (Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts, Silesian-Cracow Upland, Sudety Mts) till the 1950's.The major turn in these studies has taken place in the second half of the fifties, in result of developments in techniques of drilling and geophysical (mainly seismic) surveys carried out within the frame of search for mineral raw materials. Discoveries of deposits of copper (1960), oil (1961) and gas also acted as an impulse for the developments in the basic studies on the Permian. This stage of studies is summarized in “Budowa Geologiczna Polski” (1968), where an extensive bibliography is also given. Works on regional syntheses began in 1965 on the initiative of the Geological Institute and they are continuing up to the present as an important stage in the studies on the Permian.In 1973, basic studies on the Permian became separated as a special research project carried out by team of some tens of specialits under guidance of R. Wagner (Zechstein) and J. Pokorski (Rotliegendes).A stratigraphic subdivision has been elaborated by that team and paleogeographic, petrographic,microfacies, geochemical and paleontological analyses were carried out. In 1978, the team organized the Symposium on Central European Permian and published “The lithofacies-paleogeographical atlas of the Permian of platfonn areas in Poland”. The novelty of this atlas is connected with wide use of analytical methods and quantitative approach to lithofacies interpretation. The current stage of detailed studies will be closed with preparation of a monograph in 1980.The team of J. Sokołowski recently began geosynoptical studies, carried out parallelly and independently of the above discussed basic ones. As far as the Permian is concerned, about a dozen of structural, geodynamic and geosynoptical maps were drawn within the framework of these studies. First maps of the atlas of geosynoptical maps have already been published. 





