Ewolucja poglądów na kolerację i nomenklaturę stratygraficzną osadów syluru i najniższego dewonu w Polsce


  • Ewa Tomczykowa xx
  • Henryk Tomczyk xx


Przedstawiono schemat rozwoju badań stratygraficznych syluru Polski ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nomenklatury stratygraficznej. Porównano postęp badań, związany z licznymi wierceniami na platformie wschodnioeuropejskiej, z opracowaniami starszymi dotyczącymi wyłącznie odsłonięć. Przedstawiono możliwości konstruowania różnego typu map geologicznych oraz interpretację rozwoju Prototetydy wzdłuż szelfu Fennosarmacji.  EVOLUTION OF VIEWS ON CORRELATION AND STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATUREOF THE SILURIAN AND THE LOWERMOST DEVONIAN OF POLAND The stages in studies on subdivision of Silurian and Silurian-Devonian junction beds in Polish part of the slope of the East-European Platform and the neighbouring areas are discussed. The fundamental works on the Silurian of Podolia, Volhynia, as well as the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts. Sudety Mts and the forefield of the Carpathians are the starting point for the analysis of evolution of the views on regional stratigraphy. The correlations show that Silurian rocks of the Polish part of the East-European Platform and the Łysogóry region display similar development as they have originated in the same environment of the Prototethys Ocean paleoshelf and, therefore, they have been genetically related to the evolution of the Fennosarmatian megacontinent. This century witnessed marked developments in biostratigraphy, sedimentology and tectonics as well as in classification and nomenclature used for these deposits, which is reflected by a new stratigraphic nomenclature of Upper Silurian and Lower Devonian stages, used by the authors. The idea of regional nomenclature was put forward for the case of the Silurian of Podolia by W. Szajnocha and subsequently accepted and widened there by R. Kozłowski, becoming the subject of intense studies of Jan Czarnocki in the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts, of the present authors in the Platform areas, and remaining as a main point in further studies on the Polish Paleozoic. The progress in regional and biostratigraphic studies gave further evidence for specific character of the Silurian of Poland and the differences in regard to classic British sections and, therefore, to generally accepted stratigraphic subdivisions. This is the reason why new regional-stratigraphic names such as the Skała, Borszczów, Wydryszów, Rzepin, Siedlce, Podlasie, Czortków, Bostów, Ciepielów, etc., has have been proposed for strata younger than the Ludlovian of England and older than the Gedinnian, entering the Polish geological literature (Tables 1 and 2). 





