Zarys rozwoju badań utworów ordowiku w Polsce


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 Przedstawiono krótki zarys rozwoju badań osadów ordowiku w Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem prac prowadzonych przez geologów Instytutu Geologicznego. Wymieniono najważniejsze osiągnięcia w zakresie stratygrafii, paleontologii, litologii, petrografii i inne, uzyskane w poszczególnych regionach kraju. Sformułowano główne zadania i kierunki dalszych prac nad utworami ordowiku.  AN OUTLINE OF STUDIES ON THE ORDOVICIAN IN POLAND Two stages may be differentiated in the history of studies on the Ordovician in Poland: first, comprising the time interval between the world wars, and the other, which began in 1945. In the former, the knowledge of the Ordovician was limited to areas of the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts and Sudety Mts.The works most important for the former region are those of J. Samsonowicz and J. Czarnocki.After the world war II, the studies were recommenced in the Góry Świętokrzyskie Mts and Sudety areas and, at the beginning of the fifties, there started systematic recognition of the Ordovician in vast areas of the Polish Lowlands by means of deep drillings. The results of first drillings made in the area of the Precambrian Platform has been published by E. Tomczykowa and H. Tomczyk and J. Znosko.The drilling works and studies on the Ordovician became markedly intensified in the second half of the sixties which made it possible to establish much more accurate litho- and biostratigraphic subdivions (e.g. graptolite and trilobite zonal schemes). Moreover, this resulted in a remarkable progress in petrographic and lithofacies studies as well as in first attempts to present paleogeographic and paleotectonic reconstructions. Strongly tectonically disturbed Ordovician rocks have been found at that time in the Koszalin–Chojnice zone, corresponding to miogeosynclinal part of the sedimentary basin.In further studies on the Ordovician, the following directions should be regarded as most important: further studies on deposits of miogeosynclinal part of the basin and reconstruction of the nature of their contact with those developed in platform facies, further paleotectonic, paleogeological and lithofacies studies including microfacies analysis of carbonate rocks, continuation of paleontological studies of taxonomic groups most important for stratigraphy, and micropaleontological studies which should give the basis for biostratigraphy of Ordovician rocks in the Sudety Mts and margins of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin.





