Krótki rys badań osadów kambru w Polsce


  • Kazimiera Lendzion xxx


 Omówiono historię badań osadów kambru z okresu 60 lat działalności początkowo Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, a później Instytutu Geologicznego. Główny nacisk położono na badania prowadzone ostatnio przez pracowników tego Instytutu. A BRIEF OUTLINE OF STUDIES ON THE CAMBRIAN OF POLANDDuring 60 years of activity of the Geological Institute, numerous reports concerning the basic and raw materials problems of the Cambrian were prepared. The studies on the Cambrian of the Holy Cross Mts were initiated by Jan Czarnocki and Jan Samsonowicz (studying the Cambrian in the years 1919–1951 and 1916–1956, respectively) and numerous stratigraphic, tectonic and paleogeographic conclusions drawn by these authors are still valid. At present, the Cambrian of that region is mainly studied by researchers from other centers: S. Orłowski, A. Radwański, P. Roniewicz and W. Sedlak.The main inflow of materials widening our knowledge of Polish Cambrian occurring outside the areas of its outcrops began in the sixties when the Geological Institute started the project of recognition of deep structure of the country by drillings. The basis for these works was formed by “The geological project foundations for basic studies of the basement of the Polish Lowlands”, prepared by B. Aren and S. Pawłowski in 1958. Two stages of these studies may be differentiated with reference to the inflow of material and progress in its elaboration: first, comprising the years 1958-1968 and closed by publication of first volume of the monograph “Geology of Poland” (1968) and the second, comprising the years 1969–1978 and resulting in numerous publications. The conclusions drawn at that stage of studies were presented in works of K. Lendzion (e.g., 1972, 1976) and B. Areń and K. Lendzion (in:Wybrane problemy ... , 1978).The studies clearly showed that Cambrian rocks of sedimentary cover of the Precambrian Platform in Poland rest directly on the Vendian or metamorphic and crystalline rocks of the Proterozoic and Archaic. The Lower Cambrian is represented by the following zones (from the base upwards): Sabellidites, Platysolenites, Mobergella, Holmia and Protolenus, the Middle Cambrian – by the zones Paradoxides oelandicus and Paradoxides paradoxissimus and relics of the zone Paradoxides forchhammeri, and the Upper Cambrian, with minor gaps, by the zones I–V. Beyond the above mentioned areas, the Cambrian occurs in the Sudety Mts (Budowa Geologiczna PoIski, vol I, 1968), in the foreland of the Carpathians and it was recently found in the borehole Goczałkowice IG 1 in the Upper Silesia (A. Kotas, 1973).





